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Wearable Tech: A Game Changer for Athletes’ Performance

PUBLISHED BY: Lehigh University
PUBLICATION DATE: December 20, 2025
AUTHORS: Christina Tatu
CONTACT: Christina Tatu, Staff Writer

Hi everyone, 

I wanted to share an article I recently wrote for Lehigh’s Alumni Bulletin magazine about a study of wearable technology being conducted by Dhruv Seshadri, assistant professor of bioengineering. Dhruv is studying existing wearable technology and hoping to eventually create a new and improved device that will provide data in an actionable format for the user.

I thought this was a unique story because it involves most of Lehigh’s sports teams, including the football team and women’s and men’s soccer teams, swim teams and basketball teams. Dhruv is also a relatively new faculty member here who started in the past year and opened a new lab on campus. 

In addition to his research, the story was a way to highlight a new faculty member, his lab and students’ experience being involved in hands-on research here at Lehigh. 

I hope you enjoy reading the article as much as I enjoyed working on it! 


Here is a link to the Alumni Bulletin:

Thank you, 

Christina Tatu


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