by urma | Sep 15, 2019 | URMA Film Festival
Every day the Delaware/Catskill Watershed supplies a billion gallons of famously great-tasting water to over 8 million NYC residents. Cornell expertise helps keep the water clean and safe to drink at a huge cost savings for the city.
by urma | Sep 15, 2019 | URMA Film Festival
What are moiré patterns, and what do they have to do with physics and high magnetic fields? Here’s an explanation with a musical twist. Click “CC” in the lower right to sing along, and for the geeky footnotes go to...
by urma | Sep 15, 2019 | URMA Film Festival
Santiago Herrera is a Lehigh University professor in the Department of Biological Sciences. His research focuses on understanding the consequences of interactions between marine life and their environment, from geological to organismal time scales.